Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Messssage to all of my fellow Southern Gothic lovers and friends

So, I was having a deep convo with Raquel last night and we talked about alot of things. Smallville, One Tree Hill, Southern Gothic, the Hellick, and a bunch of other stuff. Including the novel I am currently writing. A few weeks after I graduated, I was inspired to start writing and have continued to do so to this day. I have a bout 15 chapters done, and am having writers block lol. Um, I never thought I'd be a writer, but all this stuff just sorta came out. Believe it or not, these past days and weeks, everyone at SGP, and the cbox, have inspired me to write more...and get over my wriers block, so I want to thank you soo much. You don't know how much it means to me. So as a treat, I am going to post the preface...and well i hope you like it.

George Bernard Shaw once said that there are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your hearts desire. The other is to gain it. Family, friends, and love, to name a few are what make us want to be more than we are; and yeah, sometimes they don't seem like enough, like we need something more, but honestly, what more could we want than something that was handed to us? Family, friendship and love are all free. Some people will beg to differ, but I doubt that thos epeople know the true meaning of those words, because if they did, they they'd know that life pushes us around, tries to dictate who we are when we don't even know oiurselves. Life is life, and we should be thankful for the joys it brings us: graduations, children being born, friendships, clarity of things you might have once questioned.

Graduation is a huge milestone for teenagers nowadays. Myself included. Throughout the years prior, we think that we are bullet proof. That nothing can touch us. We have this idea in our minds that we are all going to gro old, find our true love, and sometimes, even find ourselves, but what teenagers do is take life for granted and expect it to be there the next day, and the day after that and so forth. They want to find their soul mate, the person who will make his/her life whole. It's not that easy. People want their plans to mean something at that specific moment so in fifty years, they can look back and tell their grandkids that it all mattered.

Graduating high school is something I've looked forward to since I finished junior high. I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. Thinking back to that time, all I can remember is playing basketball and remembering it was so easy. But yet, I sit here, next to all my friends, in front of my entire family, waiting for my name to be called, and realize that it wasn't easy and that it DOES matter. Here I am sitting by friends, acquaintances, and teachers I've know going on four years, and I realize that Shaw was right abou the two tragedies in life. This year, I lost my hearts desire. I lost my way and struggled to get back on track. But something amazing happened during the course of my senior year. I gained it. For a moment, I lost sight of what truly mattered in life and let it coloud my judgment.

I could hear my family calling my name as I sat there waiting to have my diploma handed to me. My row started to stand, and I could feel my heart racing a mile a minute. I started to look at everyone around me. At their faces, their expressions, everything. I wanted to see if they felt it too. If they felt the magic in the air. I contined looking around and suddenly my eyes connected with a set of emerald ones. It was in that moment that I felt as ease. Like I was somewhere outside, looking in. It was then that the name of the person in fron of me was called, and I realized I was next.

I thought to myselfm, 'This is it. This is the moment I've been waiting for. The moment where I wanted it to all have mattered...


Alright so that was the preface to my novel. I wanted to share it with all of you because you all have a place in my heart now; you're like a second family, and I'll never forget that. :)

And yes George Shaw and OTH inspired me for the first few lines.

YT girl, Amber


  1. Neera says:

    What a great preface you have! So much of what you said is so true. The anthropologist in me wishes more people were aware that life doesn't always go according to plan and when we stray from that path...it's hard. Society breeds us to think we have to follow plan...so not the case though! We think, what the hell did I do wrong or what could I have differently? Everything happens for a reason!

    You said you lost your way and struggled to get back on track. But then you did, so kudos to you! It's part of life, huh?

    Great post Amber :-)

    March 3, 2009 at 9:14 PM

  2. calina15 says:

    Amber this was amazing!
    I love your writing... I want to read more :) I think we can all relate to that moment of graduation. Thank you for sharing.
    oh, and I enjoyed our conversation last night!

    March 3, 2009 at 10:43 PM

  3. ¤¤Marion¤¤ says:

    Woww Great Amber !
    Your writing is really good and very true ; the part about your graduation moment is amazing .
    I want to read more about your book now that I've read the preface and see what inspired you to write your book !

    Great Preface Amber
    Bye :)

    March 4, 2009 at 1:16 AM

  4. Lily's Poet says:

    That was strong, and true without anything more that would have been useless and without missing anything.
    Graduating is a big step in everyones life, even if there is no big ceremonies like in here, and now that I've read this preface which is terrific and can't wait to read more about ur book!
    Good luck for the writting :)

    March 4, 2009 at 10:59 AM

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