Friday, June 5, 2009

the journey...

Posted in by Amber Rae | Edit
Hey everyone. So I know I havn't posted in a really long time and I do apologize for that. But that all stops right now.

First of all, I just want to say thanks to all those out there following my blog, and to all those out there that have helped me along this journey I call life. You all know who you are, theres too many to list :P

Anyway, I've told a few of you about the new part of the journey I'm going to be embarking on...and that is moving. I decided this a while back, and since then have been going over everything in my head to make sure this is the right thing to do and the right choice to make.

North Carolina.

I know many of you might think I'm going over there because it seems like everyone's moving out there, but I'M going out there to start over. To have a new life and start a career. Kim is moving out there in a few days and I'm happy for her. She wants to make her dream come true and that is to make her screenplay a reality and had asked me to be part of it.

I'm going out there for that as well. I really can't be much help out here for her movie if she's over there while I'm here in cali.

It may seem sudden, or even abrupt, but I know what I want to do. My parents are behind me which I wasn't sure of at first. They tend to somewhat take a step back when they hear that their youngest child wants to move and start over lol. But I know it has to be done. It's the right thing to do and I'm going to do it.

I've never been sure of anything in my life, except this.

In my life so far, I've always held back or played the waiting game because it was convenient for others, but I'm tired of doing that. I don't want to hold back anymore.

I always put others first, whether it was in school, work, my basketball team, or my family and friends. They would always go first and I'd fall behind. But you know what, that was ok, because as long as they were all happy, so was I. But a few months ago, a friend of mine told me that I needed to do something for me and make myself happy on my own. And I truly thought about it and starting over wasthe answer.

To use a famous quote..."It's my life, and I'm taking a stand."

October is when I go, so wish me luck and be part of this journey with me. Thanks to those whom already are. I will indeed be posting more often now.

- Amber


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